1) Marcati litera corespunzatoare raspunsului pe care il considerati corect.
Lucrarea Gesta Hunnorum et Hungarorum a fost scrisa de:
a) Constantin al VII-lea Porfirogenetul;
b) Ioan Kynnamos;
c) Simon de Keza;
d) Flavio Biondo.
2) Marcati litera corespunzatoare raspunsului pe care il considerati corect.
Noaptea cutitelor lungi a avut loc la data de:
a) 30 iunie 1933;
b) 29 iunie 1932;
c) 30 iunie 1934;
d) 29 iunie 1931.
3) Marcati litera corespunzatoare raspunsului pe care il considerati corect.
Conform Constitutiei din 1866, censul pentru alegerea in Senat era de:
a) 700 de galbeni;
b) 800 de galbeni;
c) 600 de galbeni;
d) 500 de galbeni.
4) Marcati litera corespunzatoare raspunsului pe care il considerati corect.
Exportul revolutiei a fost promovat de liderul bolsevic:
a) Lenin;
b) Stalin;
c) Trotki;
d) Dzerjinski.
5) Marcati litera corespunzatoare raspunsului pe care il considerati corect.
Jupan Dimitrie este mentionat intr-o inscriptie descoperita in localitatea:
a) Cernavoda;
b) Topraisar;
c) Tulcea;
d) Mircea Voda.
6) Marcati litera corespunzatoare raspunsului pe care il considerati corect.
Constitutia carvunarilor a fost un proiect politic intocmit de:
a) Tudor Vladimirescu;
b) Ionica Tautu;
c) Simion Marcovici;
d) Ion Campineanu.
7) Marcati litera corespunzatoare raspunsului pe care il considerati corect.
Constitutia care il proclama pe rege „capul statului” a fost promulgata in anul:
a) 1866;
b) 1923;
c) 1938;
d) 1948.
8) Marcati litera corespunzatoare raspunsului pe care il considerati corect.
Declaratia cu privire la Europa eliberata a fost adoptata la conferinta de la:
a) Teheran;
b) Washington;
c) Potsdam;
d) Ialta.
9) Marcati litera corespunzatoare raspunsului pe care il considerati corect.
Mircea cel Batran a incheiat la Brasov un tratat de alianta cu regele:
a) Ioan Albert;
b) Cazimir al IV-lea;
c) Ludovic I de Anjou;
d) Sigismund de Luxemburg.
10) Marcati litera corespunzatoare raspunsului pe care il considerati corect.
Austria a fost invinsa in 1859 de:
a) Franta si Prusia;
b) Franta si Rusia;
c) Franta si Sardinia;
d) Franta si Turcia.
11) Analizati continutul celor doua enunturi si marcati cu:
a) daca ambele enunturi sunt adevarate si exista legatura cauzala intre ele;
b) daca ambele enunturi sunt adevarate, dar nu exista legatura cauzala;
c) daca primul enunt este adevarat, iar al II-lea este fals;
1) I won’t help Sara anymore. She will need to write her own essays ……… the future.
a) on
b) in
c) at
d) of
2) John can’t read ………. the bus. It makes him dizzy.
a) of
b) in
c) on
d) at
3) Today Rachel feels ………... because the weather is …………. warm.
a) happy/pleasantly
b) happily/pleasant
c) happy/pleasant
d) happily/pleasantly
4) The children are playing …….. in the backyard and the birds are singing very …….. .
a) happy/beautiful
b) happy/beautifully
c) happily/beautiful
d) happily/beautifully
5) Clara ………… the piano every night.
a) plays
b) played
c) has played
d) play
6) I think that Marta …….. too hard recently and needs a vacation.
a) worked
b) has worked
c) has been working
d) works
7) If you ………. that bell someone ………. to your table and take the order.
a) ring/will come
b) will ring/ will come
c) ring/comes
d) will ring/comes
8) We had to ………… our trip because my husband’s granny died.
a) call on
b) call off
c) call back
d) call up
9) Unless Tim ……… more slowly, the baby …….. sick.
a) will drive/will be
b) doesn’t drive/will be
c) will drive/will be
d) drives/will be
10) Amanda was born in Paris but ……………. in London.
a) brought in
b) brought out
c) brought up
d) brought off
11) Kate put her jacket on because ……… getting cold.
a) was
b) it was
c) there was
d) is
12) Sam wasn’t ……… driver of the car that crashed into ……… restaurant on …….. Rose Street.
a) a/the/-
b) the/a/the
c) the/the/-
d) the/-/the
13) ……… honesty is one of ……… most important things in …….. relationship.
a) -/the/a
b) the/the/the
c) -/-/the
d) the/-/the
14) If you ……… to the cinema with me on Wednesday, you …….. the movie.
a) came/would enjoy
b) have come/enjoyed
c) had come/enjoyed
d) had come/would have enjoyed
15) We …….. in Rome until next Saturday.
a) will stay
b) stay
c) will be staying
d) are staying
16) …….. young girl playing …….. violin in front of ……… bus station was very talented.
a) a/the/a
b) the/the/the
c) the/-/the
d) the/-/a
17) Samantha is interested ………. buying a new mansion.
a) in
b) on
c) about
d) of
18) I need a …….. of paper to write a letter to my grandma. She loves reading my letters.
a) slice
b) piece
c) bit
d) pile
19) …….. Tom gets, …………. he becomes.
a) the oldest/more forgetful
b) the older/more forgetful
c) the older/the most forgetful
d) the older/the more forgetful
Conform calendarului oficial anuntat, proba scrisa de evaluare a cunostintelor se desfasoara in perioada 2-3 august 2025. Consulta AICI noul regulament pentru admiterea la studiile de licenta de la Academia de Politie „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Bucuresti, pentru anul universitar 2025-2026, a fost publicat pe site-ul instititiei de invatamant.
Redactia E-Juridic are un colectiv de 4 autori specializati din domeniul juridic cu toate ramificatiile sale. Zilnic aducem in atentia dvs. tot ce este nou legat de proiecte de legi, acte adoptate si noutati legislative. Va explicam in mod detaliat modificarile aparute si oferim solutii practice pentru orice dilema generata de noutatile cotidiene.
Sfaturi de la Experti - Intrebari si Raspunsuri